Paintings with Red




Summer vacations are an opportunity to visit local museums for which I do not always have the time during the school year. About 10 days ago we were in Arras where we visited the Fine Art Museum. The paintings above are all from the Dutch-Flemish collection. Can you spot the red details and guess which painting I like best?

On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog.


This lovely badge was created by Leora from Here in HP.

15 thoughts on “Paintings with Red

  1. The bottom one reminds me of an American artist – William Harnett. He must have studied the Dutch painters.

    I’m guessing your favorite is the top one because of the abundance of food, including – are those red berries? currants? Note the monkey helping to destroy the scene. The Dutch often put a bug in their still lives, to symbolize mortality. Can’t see any from here.

  2. I like them all for their individuality…the top one is so wonderful with its wealth of color and textures.

    I will say that you like the bottom one, even though I also think the top one is your favorite because of the “market” atmosphere which you are involved in at the moment. The bottom one offers simplicity, but also items of nostalgia.

  3. I can’t even begin to guess your favorite, but mine is the bottom one–probably because it’s so quirky!


    Red is the color of cherries, not cheese;
    Yellow the backs of the sweet honeybees;

    Red the fair hair of the Derry Town maid;
    Yellow the yolk of the brown egg fresh-laid;

    Red are the wounds of the sun going down;
    Yellow the daisies beloved by the clown;

    Rainbows of colors, delighting the eye—
    Yellow and scarlet for this lullaby.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Red and Yellow Rooster

  4. I took a photo of the top painting because it seemed seasonal (with all the berries and fruit) and also because the scene seemed interesting. Yet my favorite is the bottom one because it made me think of what a writer would have needed at the time; so different from what they use now.

  5. I love the bottom painting because it almost seems as if it is not a painting at all, or is the back of a painting. It has such startling immediacy. The other paintings draw you in, but the last seems to pop out at you.

  6. Pingback: Early Weekly Review | Ilana-Davita

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